Resilience – do we really get it?
We recently had the rare privilege of receiving a brief from a client that said, essentially, “our people have been through the ringer. ...
Answering the challenge of customer expectations in the digital age - part 1
As the unprecedented pace of advances in the digital world overshadow the contact centre landscape, the way forward may rest in some...
Answering the challenge of customer expectations in the digital age - part 2
Continued from yesterday's post... Removing sources of dissatisfaction by addressing extrinsic issues will improve an employee’s...
Customers Through The Looking Glass
”Living backwards!” Alice repeated in great astonishment. “I never heard of such a thing”. “-But there’s great advantage in it” the queen...
Voice of the Customer: Do's & Don'ts
Stop problems before they happen—Companies can better target VOC implementation efforts if they can “take off the table” a range of...